Near Foca, Bosnia

Muslims break bread and celebrate returning to their small village in the mountains above Foca, still a stronghold for Serbs loyal to Slobodan Milosevic. Despite threats from Serb nationalists, including former Milosevic loyalists responsible for the massacres of tens of thousands of Muslims, these people were among the first returnees in the summer of 2000.

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Pasjane, Kosovo

Stojanica Phillipovich cries as her neighbor argues with a cluster of U.S. soldiers, demanding to that Phillipovic be allowed to see her son, Ljubisha, whom U.S. troops have arrested for smuggling. Surrounded by the Kosovar Albanian majority, the minority Serbs chafe at essentially being prisoners in their small enclaves, spread across Kosovo.
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Gracanica, Kosovo

The brother of a 17-year-old girl named Mariana carries a cross bearing her name in Cyrillic during her funeral outside Gracanica, Kosovo. The girl was one of 11 people killed in April, 2001 when Kosovar Albanian terrorists bombed a bus convoy taking Serbs into Yugoslavia for a shopping trip.
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Pristina, Yugoslavia

September 2001
Kosovar Albanians elders at the central mosque in Pristina, Kosovo.
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Gracanica, Kosovo

The mother of a 17-year-old girl named Mariana seemed more angry than sad as she clutched her daughter's portrait during a mass funeral at a Greek Orthodox Church in Gracanica, Kosovo. The teen was one of 11 killed when Kosovar Albanian terrorists bombed a bus convoy taking Serbs into Yugoslavia for a shopping trip.
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1st May, Turkey

First May Celebration
Kurdish women loyal to Hadep, the political arm of the Kurdish separatist movement, celebrate May Day during a giant rally on Izmir's bay front. Many Kurds have migrated to Izmir seeking jobs, leaving behind villages in eastern Turkey. Many hope to return to a Kurdish state, and remain loyal to imprisoned guerrilla leader Abdullah Ocalan.

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This beggar in Izmir, Turkey, is a Roma -- an Indo-European people who trace their roots back to India. There are many Roma tribes in Turkey, some of whom specialize in begging, and others who make handicrafts such as leather goods for horses.

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Yalova, Turkey

Yalova Turkey
Two men use a railing as an improvised ladder to salvage a television out of what had been a third-floor apartment just after the Izmir earthquake of 1999 flattened their building. Note the glass balcony door of their apartment is still intact even though the two apartments below are destroyed.

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